
Diablo 2 gameplay tips
Diablo 2 gameplay tips

diablo 2 gameplay tips diablo 2 gameplay tips

You’ll occasionally find veiled crystals while exploring or earn them as quest rewards, but the fastest and most reliable supply of them will be the valuable junk you're lugging around.Ĭollecting flowers, berries, and herbs lets you concoct elixirs at the Alchemist shop. This precious stone is used to upgrade Rare and Legendary loot above the second level, meaning you’ll want a hefty supply of them once you reach the point of only rocking Rare equipment at a minimum. Rare loot is gold-colored, and breaking it down at the blacksmith often rewards veiled crystals. Selling loot is great, but since you’ll accumulate plenty of gold through quests and other means, it’s a much better idea to… Break Down Rare Loot Often For Veiled Crystals While you should experiment with various types of gear, once you settle on a playstyle, focus on equipment that amplifies that strategy and ditch anything that doesn’t, even if those items are powerful in a different way. Loot drops constantly, and it’s tempting to want to hold onto multiple tunics or helmets of varying effects in case you “need it.” Don’t do it.įor one, your inventory fills up very quickly, and simply dropping items is the worst thing you can do, as you get nothing for it other than space. The latter method is a much faster option you can do at any time, so once you have an adequately equipped character, do some dungeon diving to promptly open this important shop. The Occultist doesn't become available until you fulfill one of two conditions: hit level 25 or obtain your first Aspect by completing a dungeon. This store can also extract those same perks from items so that you can apply them to different ones.

diablo 2 gameplay tips

The Occultist is responsible for adding Codex of Power Aspects and Affixes to your weapons, turning them from ordinary to extraordinary. On that note… Unlock the Occultist Early By Completing A Dungeon Otherwise, you’ll be missing out on accessing a vital feature longer than you should be. Don’t let these gather dust in your quest log. Priority quests are, as the name implies, important because they introduce new game mechanics, such as a new type of store opening up or unlocking a mount. Diablo IV has three types of color-coded quests: Story (yellow), Side (blue), and Priority (white).

Diablo 2 gameplay tips